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Serving the Lower Mainland
Frequently Asked Questions about Home Inspections
Below are some common questions clients have regarding the qualifications and methods of home inspectors and other general Lower Mainland home inspection queries. If you don’t see the answer to your question here, or if you want to schedule a home inspection from In Side Out Home Inspection, contact us today.
Are your inspectors qualified?Yes. Our inspectors are licensed through Consumer Protection BC, are certified home inspectors, members of Applied Science of Technologists & Technicians of BC, and British Columbia Institute of Property Inspectors, with training at British Columbia Institute of Technology. Our inspectors are fully insured with errors and omissions and general liability insurance coverage. In addition, we follow the American Society of Home Inspectors Ethics and Standard of Practice guidelines. We are also a member, in good standing, of the Better Business Bureau of BC.
How much will the inspection service cost?The cost of the home inspection is dependent on the type of property to be inspected – single or multifamily house, townhome, condo, duplex or mobile home – and the square footage of the home for a specific price quote.
How long does the inspection process take?The inspection takes as long as it needs to; there is no specific time allotment because it depends on the type and size of property. Also, the age and condition of the property should be considered. On average, the home inspection takes between 2½ to 4½ hours.
When will I receive the inspection report?You will receive a comprehensive and thorough inspection report within 24 hours, and often the same day, so as not to delay the purchase of your property. Also, feel free to phone the inspector with any follow-up questions you have at any time.
Should I attend the inspection?Yes, we encourage the client to attend the home inspection. By doing a walk around with the inspector, who will point out the locations of key components of the home and discuss any defects along with their remedies, you will gain full knowledge of the property and have the opportunity to ask questions.
How long have you been a Home Inspector?In Side Out Home Inspection Inc. was established in 2000 by Vaughn Manley (Licence #50812), licensed owner and certified inspector, who has been in the construction industry for more than 30 years with a background in new construction, renovation, restoration and building materials sales.
When should I schedule my home inspection?The best time to schedule your inspection is right after you have had an offer accepted by the seller. The sales contract should have a time period for the subjects to be removed, and the home inspection should be done before this time period runs out. Have the home inspection done sooner rather than later in order to have more time to deal with potential problems found during the inspection.
The home I am buying is new – do I need a home inspection?Yes, even a new home may have defects. Gain knowledge about your investment, whether it is new or a heritage home – information is key.
What days of the week do you inspect?We are available 7 days a week; there are no additional charges for weekend inspections. Contact us anytime to schedule your inspection.
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